Sigh, I'm supposed to be working right now. Ugh.
Last night I started going through Kasprzak withdrawals. I needed my Broadway fix. So, I plopped down in the lazy boy and watched my favorite dancer, Gene Kelly, in his 1942 debut film For Me and My Gal. Gene Kelly & Judy Garland were a fine match in this film.
I had seen this film once before and I recall that I wasn't too impressed with it. Don't get me wrong, Gene and Judy were cutie patooties back then. But after watching Singing in the Rain and An American in Paris on a normal basis, I was left wanting more from this movie.
I'm glad I watched it again. I found myself much more involved in the film this time. Perhaps because I have seen a few more of Judy's films recently. TCM just ran a full day of her best films. They replayed The Pirate and I must say, she was a total card in that film. More on that in another post.
Back to For Me and My Gal. At 20 years old, Judy was an old pro by the time this was filmed, and it showed. It's not hard to notice the chemistry between Gene & Judy. I don't think Gene kissed any other actress like he kissed Judy. They seemed to have quite a connection. Most of his on-screen kisses were like cardboard, dry and stiff. Not that his kissing prowess is the only reason why I adore him.
It was interesting to see Gene dance some of the steps that would become his signature moves later on. In particular, he does a number with Judy where they dance 2 moves that he will use later in his Vaudeville routine with Donald O'Connor at the beginning of Singing in the Rain, and one move from the "dream" sequence in An American in Paris. If anyone would like to know what moves I am talking about, just ask, I would be happy to ellablorate.
A few times during the film I became filled with sadness because all of the wonderful actors and dancers I was watching are now gone. It's so hard to be a fan of those who have already made there mark and left this world. It can leave me feeling kind of empty. I suppose that is why I, and so many others, support the Kasprzak brothers. They are carrying on a tradition, and they seem to be good guys to boot. Go Broadway Brothers!
This post is about connections, and I never expected this one: In For Me and My Gal there is a scene where Gene & Judy are on a train and Gene is asleep. Judy wakes him up, Gene sneers and lets out a big yawn. You know how hard it is not to yawn when you see someone else yawn? I bet you are trying to hold back a yawn right now while reading this. Same thing happens to me if I see someone yawn on TV. So without thinking, I yawn too. And I'm like, "Holy Crap! I just had a connection with Gene Kelly!". Isn't that kind of weird that yawning passes on like that? The whole thing just made me stop and think. Kinda cool.
For Me And My Gal Trailer
Favorite Moments
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